Whatta Deal!
So you found a boat that needs a little attention and it is below market price. You just need to replace the fuel tanks. Hmmm…. Do you really want a Fixer Upper? A Fixer Upper with Fuel Tank woes?
Many people have life experiences and special skills for projects on a fixer upper boat. Some of us even think DIY is fun. BUT few truly have the experience to remove, build and replace fuel tanks in a boat. This is a MAJOR job. Best approach is to run away from a boat that needs to have their fuel tanks replaced. And now I will tell you why.
What is Involved
Much is involved in replacing fuel tanks on a boat. A lot more must be addressed than you may have bargained for. Consider where the fuel tanks are usually located. How did they get in the boat in the first place? It is likely that the tanks were installed before the engines and other equipment. Maybe they were installed even before the main saloon floor was finished. So how do you first, remove the tanks and second, install new tanks?
You may have heard of the boatyard removing the engines then the tanks. This is the best method if possible but if not, then some boatyards will cut a hole on the side hull to pull the tanks out. Others may just alter the tank interior and install a bladder, sorta like an inner tube in a car tire.
Replacing fuel tanks is not as simple as you might hope. Every client we’ve trained has had an eye opening experience. The estimated time and money went far over what was quoted. A one month estimated job extended to four months in the boatyard. And, that is four months you cannot use your boat.
Look over these photos and the work order to decide for yourself if it is worth the time and money. Do you want a fixer upper with fuel tank woes?
How Captain Chris Can Help
Ask Captain Chris to preview a boat online or in person BEFORE you travel to see it. This may help save you a wasted trip and a lot of money.
Check out our 44 page pdf available in our Ship Store to prepare you for the next step in boat ownership. Click here https://www.captainchrisshipstore.com/collections/good-stuff/products/what-to-expect-of-a-marine-survey
Ask Captain Chris to preview a boat for you. 772-205-1859