Replacing our Anchor Capstan

15 years ago we had our Ideal anchor capstan rebuilt and a million miles later once again, it is time to rebuild and rechrome this beautiful piece of equipment.

Step by step photos show why doing it yourself can save you many boat unit$. From start to finish both Alyse and Chris have at least 6 hours in this job, then another 2 hours that we pay a welder. Seems the capstan is stubborn and doesn’t want to come out. So we hire a welder to heat the metal, expanding it so it will come apart.

Oh yes! There is a bit more time invested in a short boat ride which we don’t add into our total hours since a boat ride is always fun- never considered work! So Sandy Hook takes a run over to the local boatyard where the welder brings his torch set to our bow pulpit and does his thing.

Check out these photos for our version of how to reinstall your anchor capstan in 23 steps or less. Sorry but the before pics are only in our minds eye since the photographer forgot the camera…oops.

Ask Captain Chris 772-205-1859, join us at Introduction to Boat Systems seminar to learn more and let us know what you think about this article on our facebook page.