If you are thinking about a bigger boat and want to learn all about the below deck systems, we can help! Just ask Captain Chris!
You have choices on how we can build your cruising confidence:
1. Bring us aboard for private lessons with you and your mate, NOT 6 strangers on a crowded boat that doesn’t have what your boat has. With one-on-one attention you will be in a comfortable and unhurried learning environment from the moment you step aboard.
2. Come to Vero Beach for a garage workshop. Captain Chris will take you from checking the fluids to the basic functions of the generator. You will learn about marine air conditioning, holding tanks, inverters and power management with hands-on equipment from each of these systems.
Captains Chris & Alyse are professional licensed and insured USCG 100 ton Masters who have incredible experience on the water both inland and off shore…and we know how to make learning fun!
Call 772-205-1859 or send us an email chris@captainchrisyachtservices.com and tell us what you’d like to learn about boating!