WOW! What a terrific note from Dan…Thanks so much for letting us know how we have encouraged you to pursue your dream!
Dan Fendel posted on Captain Chris Yacht Services’s timeline
“As the new year dawns, can I just put in a purely unsolicited plugola and thank you to you two for your wonderful education, advice, friendship, and fellowship. Surely meeting you and our ongoing friendship has been one of those “best of” highlights for 2013 and surely will continue to be beyond. I’d also like to suggest that anyone who has not yet bought your great DVD’s on “Your Perfect Boat,” “Bridges,” and “Docking” should do so—they cover the “obvious stuff that isn’t so obvious” and really get your mind thinking and anticipating in a wonderful way. Kathy and I both enjoyed them when we got home from picking them up at your seminars at the St. Pete Boat Show and will surely refer to them again and again as we move forward with our own boating adventure. All the best in 2014 and thanks again for the really superb service you provide not only to your students and followers but to the people who don’t know you but benefit from having more educated/aware/savvy boaters out there on the water with them due to your great work. You are TRULY appreciated! “
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