Ask Captain Chris about Training aboard a Mainship 43 with twin engines and bow thruster in Green Turtle Bay KY.
Greg and Maggie have been sailors since forever and they came to the realization as many before have done: its not so easy to do the things on a sailboat that we did naturally in our younger years. So, we figured a trawler of sorts would allow us to continue to get on the water and maybe do some coastal cruising and maybe the loop.
After finding their perfect boat they wanted to build their cruising confidence, learning a lot more from our Complete Collection of DVDs. Then they contacted us and invited Captain Chris to come aboard for some hands-on training in the spring.
Since their new trawler had many more systems than their sailboats from years back, they knew they needed more help. So Greg and Maggie decided to first join us for our seminar Introduction to Boat Systems. This is a couple who learn together and that brings results quite nicely!
If you are not familiar with Land Between the Lakes think of that special place in Kentucky between the TN River, Ohio River and Cumberland River. Green Turtle Bay (GTB) is a favorite marina for Loopers in Grand Rivers, KY.
GTB is one of those hard-to-get-to locations by car although you wouldn’t know it from all the boats who call this home and the many who stop there when Looping. But where there is a will there is a way, right? So, I flew into Nashville and then drove to GTB to rendezvous with the new owners of this Mainship 43.
Our goal was to help them become more confident in this bigger cruising boat, complete with twin Yanmars and bow thruster. First a below deck tour to learn more about their specific Onboard Systems: battery charging, toilet systems, fuel management, raw water pump service and engine anode inspection. Zinc anodes aren’t used in fresh water. You may select magnesium or aluminum anodes to protect your boat’s metal equipment when boating primarily in the fresh waters of Lakes and Rivers.
Before you jump the gun… YES! we reviewed docking techniques, communication and operations before we untied the lines. Next we start up the generator, separate from shore power, crank the Yanmars and cast off for docking practice.
A few days of Docking and Anchoring locally and this couple is ready to start the Great Loop. They will have a few more months in familiar waters before heading south as the seasons change once again.
Watch for their beautiful blue Mainship 43 as she visits Joe Wheeler State Park in Rogersville, AL this fall during the AGLCA Great Loop rendezvous. They will likely join a few more boaters based in GTB including a Monk 36 and a Prima 45 as the looper parade of boats come around through Canada and into the TN River.
Maybe we will see you there? Ask Captain Chris how you can be part of the fun of pleasure boating! 772-205-1859