I recently received a BIG compliment from a client currently in the boat buying process…and remember my goal is to teach you how to maneuver and maintain your boat, I don’t sell boats.
We first worked together in our Introduction to Boat Systems two-day seminar. After the seminar I previewed a boat listing he planned to visit. And then I got his phone call…one that put a big smile on my face!
When my client first boarded this boat he finally knew exactly what he was looking at: Fuel filters, oil changing system, hydraulic rudder control and auto pilot pump. It all made sense now. Seeing the black water system and air conditioners and understanding how they work was a definite plus.
And of course knowing there is adequate accessibility to the propulsion and generator engines for owner maintenance seemed to seal the deal. He wanted to tell me that all the preparation helped him to know this was the right boat for him. Before learning with Captain Chris it was all just a blur.
Check out the photos to see some of the boat systems you should know before you go. Click on each one to read the caption and learn more. Watch the video and take an engine room tour to discover what you may not know. We can help build your cruising confidence with a class, videos and hands-on training.
Join us for our next Introduction to Boat Systems class. Be prepared. Know what you are looking at before you buy your dream boat. You can even learn to change your own fuel filters and oil. Save THOUSANDS! Yes, I said thousands. Don’t believe me? Just call a boatyard and ask for an estimate to change oil and fuel filters on a twin engine boat with a generator. If they ask what type of engine and you don’t have your boat yet then tell them a Caterpillar 3208 with 375 hp and an ONAN 7kW generator. Multiply that cost over the amount of hours you plan to use your boat and wow! you’ve saved your budget for more fun things like marinas, restaurants, sightseeing…you’ll think of something!
Ask Captain Chris 772-205-1859