Trawler Training aboard our boat in Florida
These Boston residents are members of a time share boat club and they want to learn how to handle larger TRAWLERS. Their plan is to travel to Anacortes, WA for a bare boat charter next month. They will be aboard a 49 foot trawler for a week’s family vacation. Working with us aboard our Training Trawler Sandy Hook in FL, they become much more comfortable before their big summer trip to the PNW, Pacific North West.
(NOTE: We no longer charter our boat but are pleased to come aboard YOUR boat anywhere for personal training with you and your mate)
It is amazing how easy a larger boat with a straight inboard engine can maneuver. Compared to the Outboard or Inboard/Outboard boats they are accustomed to operating in their boat club, Sandy Hook is a breeze. We cruised the FL coastline, practicing navigation in the ICW using paper charts and electronic GPS. Anchoring near the barrier island, we then deployed the dinghy which will be their major form of transportation on their upcoming charter. While ashore we could check on the new Sea Turtle nests!
“Living the Dream” we were anchoring, eating and sleeping aboard every evening while learning navigation, vessel systems, radio procedures and the grand finale, DOCKING! Your turn next?