A Cruiser’s favorite four letter F word is free and our Ask Captain Chris YouTube Channel is another free way to learn. Every day we post a short, unedited video of real-world cruising information. Sometimes it’s just a two minute clip showing a beautiful boat underway, an engine room tour or a look at what went right during a docking maneuver. In other instances we show you what not to do or point out neglected equipment for you to learn more about.
If you are new to our YouTube channel then you may want to poke around a bit and check out our Playlist videos that are grouped together in similar topics. Feel like watching others Dock? are you considering traveling with Pets Aboard? Or maybe you want to learn more about all the Below Deck Systems? If you do, we have hundreds, yes hundreds of mini-movies for you to learn more about your boating adventure.
Featured in this post is our Top 5 Anchor Videos for you to enjoy!
Be an ACE Anchorer
While the title of this article is Top 5 Anchoring Videos, you get a bonus because there are actually 7 links (A Shackle and Windlass Part One and Part Two) to help you better understand your anchor equipment, safety tips and more. So without further ado, click on 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Blastoff!
#5 Anchoring Video – Anchor Snubber and Arm Signals. Watch what can be done with non verbal communication aboard a Nordhavn 40.
#4 Anchoring Video – Anchor Chain Bitter End. Ugly business in the anchor chain locker.
#3A Anchoring Video – Anchor Shackle Safety Part 1 and #3B Anchoring Video – Anchor Shackle Safety Part 2. How do you keep your boat from drifting away while at anchor? Your rode is only as strong as its weakest link. Part 1 and Part 2 will tell you why.
#2A Anchoring Video – Anchor Windlass Part One and #2B Anchoring Video – Anchor Windlass Part Two. Understanding the parts of your anchor windlass is essential and this two part session should help.
And the number ONE Ask Captain Chris Anchoring video from our free YouTube Channel is…..
#1 Anchoring Video – Anchoring is Easy with Captain Chris. This video shows a few clips from our 90 minute Training video and will open your eyes to some of the details that go into a successful night at anchor.
Not sure what these topics are all about or how you can anchor with confidence? Get the 90 minute Anchor video to watch with your crew. Ask Captain Chris in our INTRODUCTION TO BOAT SYSTEMS or CRUISING 101 FUNdamentals Seminars in Vero Beach Florida. Give us a call 772-206-1859
So don’t forget to subscribe today to our YouTube channel so you don’t miss out.