TrawlerFest Anacortes 2013 was a wonderful event this past weekend. We started off teaching for two spectacular days of University classes, Building Cruising Confidence as a Couple aboard a Grand Banks provided by Russ Meixner of West Yachts. Then four days chock full of a seminar series allowed everyone from the dreamer to the seasoned helmsman to learn more about cruising. Of course we can’t forget all the terrific trawlers down on the docks, raring to go!
Early on our last morning we were invited to evaluate the Aspen C-100 PROA powercat. You’ll have to stay tuned for the article in PassageMaker Magazine but here’s a little tease: we could really see ourselves looping in this well designed and efficient trailerable trawler.
As the show ended, broker Curtis Stokes treated us to a splendid cruise aboard a DeFever 44 on display at TrawlerFest. Returning this perfect cruising boat to her home port in the late afternoon sun, we cast off lines from the Cap Sante Marina in Anacortes and meandered around Fidalgo to the Skyline Marina in Flounder Bay. Crystal blue skies and warm sunshine with just enough chop to let us know we were in the Pacific North West. Read more about the latest TrawlerFest including a few fun photos!
Just a few days before coming to Anacortes WA we were a few thousand miles away on the east coast, in Norfolk VA. The AGLCA Spring Rendezvous was a huge success with over 200 registrants, over 100 coming in on their boats. Thanks to all who participated in our Blue Ribbon Focus Group. Your Living the Dream Canvas bags are on their way as a thank you! So much fun meeting loopers in the midst of their adventure. Wish you could be on the loop? Check out the photos and imagine it’s you behind the helm…
…Or you could be training on our boat in Florida
Owners of a brand new 50 foot Beneteau Swift Trawler had a dilemma: it’s January in Canada where they keep their boat and too cold to go boating…But not too cold here in sunny Florida. So they came aboard our training trawler to learn some fundamental skills. read more…
A father and son come aboard for a learning vacation. They have so much fun that they schedule another trip for mom and dad later this spring. See why…
Coast Guard Auxiliarist and his wife come aboard for refresher training and locking through the Okeechobee waterway.
…Or training aboard your boat ANYWHERE!!
- This family of FIVE learns to play together on board their 53 DeFever. It was Citrus Salad aboard LIME TIME and we had FUN while we learned…
- VECTOR is the name of a 52 foot custom steel trawler owned by former RVers. Here are some fun photos of our time aboard with them.
- Stay tuned to our next newsletter where we will introduce you to Jack and Sara, new owners of a Jefferson 42 and share some of the excitement when we were boarded by the USCG, Customs and Border Patrol and something called SLED during a training delivery from Florida to North Carolina
And…when we aren’t training aboard boats or presenting seminars at boat shows Captains Chris & Alyse squeek in some time to write a monthly column called Trawler Talk in the magazine SOUTHWINDS. You can find this free journal in your local boating store or on line. In the April issue you can read about “Dinghies Aboard Trawlers” and learn how to effectivey stow your tender. The May issue is a timely topic called “Stabilizer Selections”. If you’d like to read more about the choices of a trawler owner here is a link to the May issue of SOUTHWINDS.
- September 24-25, 2013 TrawlerFest University Building Cruising Confidence As A Couple. Baltimore MD. This class sells out quickly so HURRY and sign up! Call 410 -990-9086 ext. 21 to register TODAY for this in-demand opportunity to learn together as a cruising couple.
September 26-29, 2013 TrawlerFest-Baltimore MD. Stay tuned for our seminar topics at this terrific show in the heart of the Chesapeake Cruising area. As soon as we know which topics…YOU’LL know! Here’s a link to TrawlerFest Baltimore.
October 14-17, 2013 AGLCA Fall Rendezvous Rogersville AL.This sell out gathering of loopers and dreamers is a must attend event. Mark you calendars and register early so you don’t miss out.
November 1-3, 2013 TrawlerPort at Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show FL Discover the Trawler Lifestyle with Captains Alyse & Chris.
Want to get away to sunny Florida this season? Don’t miss out!! We are filling our calendar fast. Make your reservations now aboard SANDY HOOK – our 44 foot training trawler while we still have your dates available. If your calendar doesn’t work for any of our scheduled events just create your own private cruise aboard SANDY HOOK anytime. We have sunshine not SNOW in the winter and for summer there is always a cool ocean breeze! Email or call us 772-205-1859 and start living the dream. But don’t hesitate or you’ll miss the boat! Now booking for October through December 2013.
Check out our Facebook page or YouTube Channel for what’s happening in the trawler world.