Part of buying and owning a cruising boat is keeping up with maintenance. Don’t fret- many of us who aren’t certified mechanics can and DO take care of our boats…and we perform easy and routine tasks that often prevent costly future problems. After all, as boat owners we are responsible for a small city….(gulp!)First, be honest with yourself:
- Are you familiar with your below deck systems or is it all like an alien spaceship?
- Can you handle the day to day items that may need attention?
- Or do you wait until something is broken then call a tech to help?
- Is the most important item on your boat a towing membership?
We offer Introduction to Boat Systems seminars in Florida to help prepare you to take care of your boat…sometimes even before you actually own a boat.
Take a look at a few of these photos and learn more about the service you can do as an owner with out having to call a service tech or even worse, ….wait for them to show up!